Dave & Briggs Quarantine Tips

Dave & Briggs Quarantine Tips

Need some ideas on new recipes while self isolating? Dave and Briggs are here to help. Country 103.1 presents Dave & Briggs Quarantine Cuisine: 

Dave’s Top 3 Quarantine Snacks

  1. Black Pepper and Olive Oil Wheat Thins 
  2. Beef Jerky
  3. Jelly Beans

Briggs’ Top 3 Quarantine Snacks

  1. Cheese
  2. Chesse
  3. Oh, almost forgot… CHEESE

Dave’s Top 3 Quarantine Meals

  1. Homemade Mac n’ Cheese
  2. Homemade Pizza
  3. Not Homemade Pizza (preferably from Feather Falls Brewing Company) 

Briggs’ Top 3 Quarantine Meals

  1. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches 
  2. Bratwurst
  3. Old Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches